
SNC00722For many years, PROMONT has been rendering comprehensive services related to professional service, according to our scope of business. Our team consists of specialists with many years of professional experience and necessary electric power qualifications and supervision licences for operation of pressure, electric and gas equipment. We provide our customers with professional, quick and reliable service.
For this purpose, our employees use high quality equipment for diagnostics, control and adjustment of devices. In order to raise qualifications, service technicians participate in training to improve their knowledge and skills in relation to devices provided with maintenance services. To ensure top quality services, all PROMONT companies strictly cooperate with each other and strive to solve the most difficult issues we encounter on site. As part of our activities, we conduct on-site tests providing a better insight into the problems we deal with.
By doing this, we gain experience and improve personnel qualification, thus we provide our services more effectively and we are able to offer top class maintenance services and assist in solving difficult and untypical issues. With this attitude and troubleshooting method, we can guarantee that systems operate correctly and in an efficient way. For many years, we have been cooperating with numerous companies manufacturing heating devices. The scope of our cooperation covers commissioning, warranty and post-warranty repairs.
We have concluded permanent service contracts with many customers, under which we monitor working order of devices and carry out periodic inspection activities according to the requirements of device manufacturers. During inspection, a service technician immediately determines the reasons for any non-conformities or deviations from proper settings, conditions or readings, or removes them. At the same time, he/she notifies the customer on the necessity to replace or repair damaged parts or devices and on the cost thereof. After receiving an order, the above is removed or repaired. Owing to a permanent service contract, the customer receives lower prices for spare parts, quick response time to any failures by a service technician and assistance in solving untypical problems.

The buildings covered by maintenance service contracts include:

  • Okręgowa Spółdzielnia Mleczarska (Regional Dairy Cooperative) in Czarnków
  • Destylarnia SOBIESKI S.A. (Distillery) in Starogard Gdańsk
  • Spółdzielnia Mleczarska (Dairy Cooperative) in Żuromin
  • Spomlek w Chojnicach
  • Spółdzielnia Mieszkaniowa CHROBRY (Housing Cooperative) in Nakło nad Notecią
  • Zakłady Mięsne KIER (Meat Processing Plant) in Drzycim
  • SPZOZ Szpital Wojewódzki im. dra Jana Biziela (Jan Biziel Provincial Hospital) in Bydgoszcz
  • BART Sp. z o.o. Sulnowo
  • SPZOZ Szpital Rejonowy (Regional Hospital) w Radziejowie
  • UNILEVER POLSKA S.A. Oddział Detergentów i Kosmetyków (Detergent and Cosmetic Branch) in Bydgoszcz
  • MORELLO in Plebance
  • NEUPACK Polska S.A in Bydgoszcz
  • ROSEGG R.T. Sp. z o.o. Bydgoszcz
  • SPOMASZ Nakło Sp. z o.o. in Nakło nad Notecią
  • PINGUIN FOODS POLSKA in Dąbrowa Chełmińska
  • Elementary School No. 3 in Nakło nad Notecią
  • Schools No. 26 in Bydgoszcz
  • Schools No. 63 in Bydgoszcz
  • Penal Institution in Bydgoszcz
  • Custody Suite in Bydgoszcz
  • Youth Detention Centre in Kcynia
  • Oncology Centre in Bydgoszcz
  • KABAT S.J. in Budzyń
  • RESIDENTIAL BLOCKS – ul. Kaliskiego in Bydgoszcz
  • RESIDENTIAL BLOCKS – ul. Gimnazjalna in Nakło nad Notecią
  • HYDRAPRES in Solec Kujawski
  • SCHUMACHER Poledno
  • PROSZKOWNIA MLEKA (Powdered-Milk Factory) – Piotrków Kujawski